
/Twig 1


You have multiple ways to install Twig.

Installing the Twig PHP package

Install Composer and run the following command to get the latest version:

composer require twig/twig:~1.0

Installing from the tarball release

  1. Download the most recent tarball from the download page
  2. Verify the integrity of the tarball http://fabien.potencier.org/article/73/signing-project-releases
  3. Unpack the tarball
  4. Move the files somewhere in your project

Installing the development version

git clone git://github.com/twigphp/Twig.git

Installing the PEAR package


Using PEAR for installing Twig is deprecated and Twig 1.15.1 was the last version published on the PEAR channel; use Composer instead.

pear channel-discover pear.twig-project.org
pear install twig/Twig

Installing the C extension

New in version 1.4: The C extension was added in Twig 1.4.


The C extension is optional but it brings some nice performance improvements. Note that the extension is not a replacement for the PHP code; it only implements a small part of the PHP code to improve the performance at runtime; you must still install the regular PHP code.

Twig comes with a C extension that enhances the performance of the Twig runtime engine; install it like any other PHP extensions:

cd ext/twig
make install


You can also install the C extension via PEAR (note that this method is deprecated and newer versions of Twig are not available on the PEAR channel):

pear channel-discover pear.twig-project.org
pear install twig/CTwig

For Windows:

  1. Setup the build environment following the PHP documentation
  2. Put Twig's C extension source code into C:\php-sdk\phpdev\vcXX\x86\php-source-directory\ext\twig
  3. Use the configure --disable-all --enable-cli --enable-twig=shared command instead of step 14
  4. nmake
  5. Copy the C:\php-sdk\phpdev\vcXX\x86\php-source-directory\Release_TS\php_twig.dll file to your PHP setup.


For Windows ZendServer, ZTS is not enabled as mentioned in Zend Server FAQ.

You have to use configure --disable-all --disable-zts --enable-cli --enable-twig=shared to be able to build the twig C extension for ZendServer.

The built DLL will be available in C:\\php-sdk\\phpdev\\vcXX\\x86\\php-source-directory\\Release

Finally, enable the extension in your php.ini configuration file:

extension=twig.so #For Unix systems
extension=php_twig.dll #For Windows systems

And from now on, Twig will automatically compile your templates to take advantage of the C extension. Note that this extension does not replace the PHP code but only provides an optimized version of the Twig_Template::getAttribute() method.

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