
/pandas 0.25


class pandas.io.formats.style.Styler(data, precision=None, table_styles=None, uuid=None, caption=None, table_attributes=None, cell_ids=True) [source]

Helps style a DataFrame or Series according to the data with HTML and CSS.

data : Series or DataFrame
precision : int

precision to round floats to, defaults to pd.options.display.precision

table_styles : list-like, default None

list of {selector: (attr, value)} dicts; see Notes

uuid : str, default None

a unique identifier to avoid CSS collisions; generated automatically

caption : str, default None

caption to attach to the table

cell_ids : bool, default True

If True, each cell will have an id attribute in their HTML tag. The id takes the form T_<uuid>_row<num_row>_col<num_col> where <uuid> is the unique identifier, <num_row> is the row number and <num_col> is the column number.

See also



Most styling will be done by passing style functions into Styler.apply or Styler.applymap. Style functions should return values with strings containing CSS 'attr: value' that will be applied to the indicated cells.

If using in the Jupyter notebook, Styler has defined a _repr_html_ to automatically render itself. Otherwise call Styler.render to get the generated HTML.

CSS classes are attached to the generated HTML

  • Index and Column names include index_name and level<k> where k is its level in a MultiIndex
  • Index label cells include
    • row_heading
    • row<n> where n is the numeric position of the row
    • level<k> where k is the level in a MultiIndex
  • Column label cells include * col_heading * col<n> where n is the numeric position of the column * evel<k> where k is the level in a MultiIndex
  • Blank cells include blank
  • Data cells include data


env (Jinja2 jinja2.Environment)
template (Jinja2 Template)
loader (Jinja2 Loader)


apply(self, func[, axis, subset]) Apply a function column-wise, row-wise, or table-wise, updating the HTML representation with the result.
applymap(self, func[, subset]) Apply a function elementwise, updating the HTML representation with the result.
background_gradient(self[, cmap, low, high, …]) Color the background in a gradient according to the data in each column (optionally row).
bar(self[, subset, axis, color, width, …]) Draw bar chart in the cell backgrounds.
clear(self) Reset the styler, removing any previously applied styles.
export(self) Export the styles to applied to the current Styler.
format(self, formatter[, subset]) Format the text display value of cells.
from_custom_template(searchpath, name) Factory function for creating a subclass of Styler with a custom template and Jinja environment.
hide_columns(self, subset) Hide columns from rendering.
hide_index(self) Hide any indices from rendering.
highlight_max(self[, subset, color, axis]) Highlight the maximum by shading the background.
highlight_min(self[, subset, color, axis]) Highlight the minimum by shading the background.
highlight_null(self[, null_color]) Shade the background null_color for missing values.
pipe(self, func, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Apply func(self, *args, **kwargs), and return the result.
render(self, \*\*kwargs) Render the built up styles to HTML.
set_caption(self, caption) Set the caption on a Styler
set_precision(self, precision) Set the precision used to render.
set_properties(self[, subset]) Convenience method for setting one or more non-data dependent properties or each cell.
set_table_attributes(self, attributes) Set the table attributes.
set_table_styles(self, table_styles) Set the table styles on a Styler.
set_uuid(self, uuid) Set the uuid for a Styler.
to_excel(self, excel_writer[, sheet_name, …]) Write Styler to an Excel sheet.
use(self, styles) Set the styles on the current Styler, possibly using styles from Styler.export.
where(self, cond, value[, other, subset]) Apply a function elementwise, updating the HTML representation with a style which is selected in accordance with the return value of a function.

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