


Arbitrary-precision ('bignum') arithmetic.

Performance is optimized for numbers below ~1000 decimal digits. For X86 machines, highly optimised assembly routines are used.

The following algorithms are currently implemented:

  • Karatsuba multiplication
  • Squaring is optimized independently of multiplication
  • Divide-and-conquer division
  • Binary exponentiation

For very large numbers, consider using the GMP library instead.
Boost License 1.0.
Don Clugston
struct BigInt;

A struct representing an arbitrary precision integer.

All arithmetic operations are supported, except unsigned shift right (>>>). Bitwise operations (|, &, ^, ~) are supported, and behave as if BigInt was an infinite length 2's complement number.

BigInt implements value semantics using copy-on-write. This means that assignment is cheap, but operations such as x++ will cause heap allocation. (But note that for most bigint operations, heap allocation is inevitable anyway.)

BigInt a = "9588669891916142";
BigInt b = "7452469135154800";
auto c = a * b;
writeln(c); // BigInt("71459266416693160362545788781600")
auto d = b * a;
writeln(d); // BigInt("71459266416693160362545788781600")
writeln(d); // c
d = c * BigInt("794628672112");
writeln(d); // BigInt("56783581982794522489042432639320434378739200")
auto e = c + d;
writeln(e); // BigInt("56783581982865981755459125799682980167520800")
auto f = d + c;
writeln(f); // e
auto g = f - c;
writeln(g); // d
g = f - d;
writeln(g); // c
e = 12345678;
g = c + e;
auto h = g / b;
auto i = g % b;
writeln(h); // a
writeln(i); // e
BigInt j = "-0x9A56_57f4_7B83_AB78";
BigInt k = j;
j ^^= 11;
writeln(k^^11); // j
this(Range)(Range s)
Constraints: if (isBidirectionalRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementType!Range) && !isInfinite!Range && !isNarrowString!Range);

pure this(Range)(Range s)
Constraints: if (isNarrowString!Range);

Construct a BigInt from a decimal or hexadecimal string. The number must be in the form of a decimal or hex literal. It may have a leading + or - sign, followed by 0x or 0X if hexadecimal. Underscores are permitted in any location after the 0x and/or the sign of the number.

Range s a finite bidirectional range of any character type
std.conv.ConvException if the string doesn't represent a valid number
pure nothrow this(T)(T x)
Constraints: if (isIntegral!T);

Construct a BigInt from a built-in integral type.

// @system due to failure in FreeBSD32
ulong data = 1_000_000_000_000;
auto bigData = BigInt(data);
writeln(bigData); // BigInt("1_000_000_000_000")
pure nothrow this(T)(T x)
Constraints: if (is(Unqual!T == BigInt));

Construct a BigInt from another BigInt.

const(BigInt) b1 = BigInt("1_234_567_890");
BigInt b2 = BigInt(b1);
writeln(b2); // BigInt("1_234_567_890")
pure nothrow BigInt opAssign(T)(T x)
Constraints: if (isIntegral!T);

Assignment from built-in integer types.

auto b = BigInt("123");
b = 456;
writeln(b); // BigInt("456")
pure @nogc BigInt opAssign(T : BigInt)(T x);

Assignment from another BigInt.

auto b1 = BigInt("123");
auto b2 = BigInt("456");
b2 = b1;
writeln(b2); // BigInt("123")
pure nothrow BigInt opOpAssign(string op, T)(T y)
Constraints: if ((op == "+" || op == "-" || op == "*" || op == "/" || op == "%" || op == ">>" || op == "<<" || op == "^^" || op == "|" || op == "&" || op == "^") && isIntegral!T);

Implements assignment operators from built-in integers of the form BigInt op= integer.

//@system because opOpAssign is @system
auto b = BigInt("1_000_000_000");

b += 12345;
writeln(b); // BigInt("1_000_012_345")

b /= 5;
writeln(b); // BigInt("200_002_469")
pure nothrow BigInt opOpAssign(string op, T)(T y)
Constraints: if ((op == "+" || op == "-" || op == "*" || op == "|" || op == "&" || op == "^" || op == "/" || op == "%") && is(T : BigInt));

Implements assignment operators of the form BigInt op= BigInt.

// @system because opOpAssign is @system
auto x = BigInt("123");
auto y = BigInt("321");
x += y;
writeln(x); // BigInt("444")
const pure nothrow BigInt opBinary(string op, T)(T y)
Constraints: if ((op == "+" || op == "*" || op == "-" || op == "|" || op == "&" || op == "^" || op == "/" || op == "%") && is(T : BigInt));

Implements binary operators between BigInts.

auto x = BigInt("123");
auto y = BigInt("456");
BigInt z = x * y;
writeln(z); // BigInt("56088")
const pure nothrow BigInt opBinary(string op, T)(T y)
Constraints: if ((op == "+" || op == "*" || op == "-" || op == "/" || op == "|" || op == "&" || op == "^" || op == ">>" || op == "<<" || op == "^^") && isIntegral!T);

Implements binary operators between BigInt's and built-in integers.

auto x = BigInt("123");
x *= 300;
writeln(x); // BigInt("36900")
const pure nothrow auto opBinary(string op, T)(T y)
Constraints: if (op == "%" && isIntegral!T);

Implements a narrowing remainder operation with built-in integer types.

This binary operator returns a narrower, built-in integer type where applicable, according to the following table.

BigInt % uint long
BigInt % long long
BigInt % ulong BigInt
BigInt % other type int
auto  x  = BigInt("1_000_000_500");
long  l  = 1_000_000L;
ulong ul = 2_000_000UL;
int   i  = 500_000;
short s  = 30_000;

assert(is(typeof(x % l)  == long)   && x % l  == 500L);
assert(is(typeof(x % ul) == BigInt) && x % ul == BigInt(500));
assert(is(typeof(x % i)  == int)    && x % i  == 500);
assert(is(typeof(x % s)  == int)    && x % s  == 10500);
const pure nothrow BigInt opBinaryRight(string op, T)(T y)
Constraints: if ((op == "+" || op == "*" || op == "|" || op == "&" || op == "^") && isIntegral!T);

const pure nothrow BigInt opBinaryRight(string op, T)(T y)
Constraints: if (op == "-" && isIntegral!T);

const pure nothrow T opBinaryRight(string op, T)(T x)
Constraints: if ((op == "%" || op == "/") && isIntegral!T);

Implements operators with built-in integers on the left-hand side and BigInt on the right-hand side.

auto x = BigInt("100");
BigInt y = 123 + x;
writeln(y); // BigInt("223")

BigInt z = 123 - x;
writeln(z); // BigInt("23")

// Dividing a built-in integer type by BigInt always results in
// something that fits in a built-in type, so the built-in type is
// returned, not BigInt.
assert(is(typeof(1000 / x) == int));
writeln(1000 / x); // 10
const pure nothrow BigInt opUnary(string op)()
Constraints: if (op == "+" || op == "-" || op == "~");

pure nothrow BigInt opUnary(string op)()
Constraints: if (op == "++" || op == "--");

Implements BigInt unary operators.

auto x = BigInt("1234");
writeln(-x); // BigInt("-1234")

writeln(x); // BigInt("1235")
const pure @nogc bool opEquals()(auto ref const BigInt y);

const pure nothrow @nogc bool opEquals(T)(T y)
Constraints: if (isIntegral!T);

Implements BigInt equality test with other BigInt's and built-in integer types.

auto x = BigInt("12345");
auto y = BigInt("12340");
int z = 12345;
int w = 54321;

writeln(x); // x
assert(x != y);
writeln(x); // y + 5
writeln(x); // z
assert(x != w);
const pure nothrow @nogc T opCast(T : bool)();

Implements casting to bool.

// Non-zero values are regarded as true
auto x = BigInt("1");
auto y = BigInt("10");

// Zero value is regarded as false
auto z = BigInt("0");
const pure T opCast(T : ulong)();

Implements casting to integer types.

std.conv.ConvOverflowException if the number exceeds the target type's range.
import std.conv : to, ConvOverflowException;
import std.exception : assertThrown;

writeln(BigInt("0").to!int); // 0

writeln(BigInt("0").to!ubyte); // 0
writeln(BigInt("255").to!ubyte); // 255
const pure nothrow @nogc T opCast(T)()
Constraints: if (is(Unqual!T == BigInt));

Implements casting to/from qualified BigInt's.

Casting to/from const or immutable may break type system guarantees. Use with care.
const(BigInt) x = BigInt("123");
BigInt y = cast() x;    // cast away const
writeln(y); // x
const pure nothrow @nogc int opCmp(ref const BigInt y);

const pure nothrow @nogc int opCmp(T)(T y)
Constraints: if (isIntegral!T);

const pure nothrow @nogc int opCmp(T : BigInt)(const T y);

Implements 3-way comparisons of BigInt with BigInt or BigInt with built-in integers.

auto x = BigInt("100");
auto y = BigInt("10");
int z = 50;
const int w = 200;

assert(y < x);
assert(x > z);
assert(z > y);
assert(x < w);
const pure nothrow @nogc @safe long toLong();
The value of this BigInt as a long, or long.max/long.min if outside the representable range.
auto b = BigInt("12345");
long l = b.toLong();
writeln(l); // 12345
const pure nothrow @nogc @safe int toInt();
The value of this BigInt as an int, or int.max/int.min if outside the representable range.
auto big = BigInt("5_000_000");
auto i = big.toInt();
writeln(i); // 5_000_000

// Numbers that are too big to fit into an int will be clamped to int.max.
auto tooBig = BigInt("5_000_000_000");
i = tooBig.toInt();
writeln(i); // int.max
const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe size_t uintLength();

Number of significant uints which are used in storing this number. The absolute value of this BigInt is always < 232*uintLength

const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe size_t ulongLength();

Number of significant ulongs which are used in storing this number. The absolute value of this BigInt is always < 264*ulongLength

const void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink, string formatString);

const void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink, ref scope const FormatSpec!char f);

Convert the BigInt to string, passing it to the given sink.

void delegate(const(char)[]) sink A delegate for accepting possibly piecewise segments of the formatted string.
string formatString A format string specifying the output format.
Available output formats:
"d" Decimal
"o" Octal
"x" Hexadecimal, lower case
"X" Hexadecimal, upper case
"s" Default formatting (same as "d")
null Default formatting (same as "d")
toString is rarely directly invoked; the usual way of using it is via std.format.format:
import std.format : format;

auto x = BigInt("1_000_000");
x *= 12345;

writeln(format("%d", x)); // "12345000000"
writeln(format("%x", x)); // "2_dfd1c040"
writeln(format("%X", x)); // "2_DFD1C040"
writeln(format("%o", x)); // "133764340100"
const nothrow @safe size_t toHash();
A unique hash of the BigInt's value suitable for use in a hash table.
toHash is rarely directly invoked; it is implicitly used when BigInt is used as the key of an associative array.
string[BigInt] aa;
aa[BigInt(123)] = "abc";
aa[BigInt(456)] = "def";

writeln(aa[BigInt(123)]); // "abc"
writeln(aa[BigInt(456)]); // "def"
const T getDigit(T = ulong)(size_t n)
Constraints: if (is(T == ulong) || is(T == uint));

Gets the nth number in the underlying representation that makes up the whole BigInt.

T the type to view the underlying representation as
size_t n The nth number to retrieve. Must be less than ulongLength or uintLength with respect to T.
The nth ulong in the representation of this BigInt.
auto a = BigInt("1000");
writeln(a.ulongLength()); // 1
writeln(a.getDigit(0)); // 1000

writeln(a.uintLength()); // 1
writeln(a.getDigit!uint(0)); // 1000

auto b = BigInt("2_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000");
writeln(b.ulongLength()); // 2
writeln(b.getDigit(0)); // 4584946418820579328
writeln(b.getDigit(1)); // 108420217

writeln(b.uintLength()); // 3
writeln(b.getDigit!uint(0)); // 3489660928
writeln(b.getDigit!uint(1)); // 1067516025
writeln(b.getDigit!uint(2)); // 108420217
pure nothrow string toDecimalString(const(BigInt) x);
const(BigInt) x The BigInt to convert to a decimal string.
A string that represents the BigInt as a decimal number.
auto x = BigInt("123");
x *= 1000;
x += 456;

auto xstr = x.toDecimalString();
writeln(xstr); // "123456"
string toHex(const(BigInt) x);
const(BigInt) x The BigInt to convert to a hexadecimal string.
A string that represents the BigInt as a hexadecimal (base 16) number in upper case.
auto x = BigInt("123");
x *= 1000;
x += 456;

auto xstr = x.toHex();
writeln(xstr); // "1E240"
Unsigned!T absUnsign(T)(T x)
Constraints: if (isIntegral!T);

Returns the absolute value of x converted to the corresponding unsigned type.

T x The integral value to return the absolute value of.
The absolute value of x.
writeln((-1).absUnsign); // 1
writeln(1.absUnsign); // 1
pure nothrow void divMod(const BigInt dividend, const BigInt divisor, out BigInt quotient, out BigInt remainder);

Finds the quotient and remainder for the given dividend and divisor in one operation.

BigInt dividend the BigInt to divide
BigInt divisor the BigInt to divide the dividend by
BigInt quotient is set to the result of the division
BigInt remainder is set to the remainder of the division
auto a = BigInt(123);
auto b = BigInt(25);
BigInt q, r;

divMod(a, b, q, r);

writeln(q); // 4
writeln(r); // 23
writeln(q * b + r); // a
pure nothrow BigInt powmod(BigInt base, BigInt exponent, BigInt modulus);

Fast power modulus calculation for BigInt operands.

BigInt base the BigInt is basic operands.
BigInt exponent the BigInt is power exponent of base.
BigInt modulus the BigInt is modules to be modular of base ^ exponent.
The power modulus value of (base ^ exponent) % modulus.
for powmod
BigInt base = BigInt("123456789012345678901234567890");
BigInt exponent = BigInt("1234567890123456789012345678901234567");
BigInt modulus = BigInt("1234567");

BigInt result = powmod(base, exponent, modulus);
writeln(result); // 359079

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Licensed under the Boost License 1.0.