


Because Cypress is built on top of Mocha, that means any reporter built for Mocha can be used with Cypress. Here is a list of built in Mocha reporters.

We’ve also added the two most common 3rd party reporters for Mocha. These are built into Cypress and you can use them without installing anything.

Finally, we support creating your own custom reporters or using any kind of 3rd party reporter.

Did you know that you can use multiple reporters with Mocha?

This is especially useful when running in CI. Typically we see users using the default spec reporter to show up in stdout but then also generate an actual report file for junit.

Once you’ve read through the documentation below, we invite you to experience the power of Cypress reporters via Section 9 of our open source testing workshop for Cypress.

Reporter Options

Some reporters accept options that customize their behavior. These can be specified in your cypress.json or via the command line:


  "reporter": "junit",
  "reporterOptions": {
    "mochaFile": "results/my-test-output.xml",
    "toConsole": true

Command line

cypress run --reporter junit \
  --reporter-options "mochaFile=results/my-test-output.xml,toConsole=true"

The above configuration will output the JUnit report to STDOUT and save it into an XML file. Reporter options differ depending on the reporter (and may not be supported at all). Refer to the documentation for the reporter you are using for details on which options are supported.

Report per spec

Starting with version 3 of Cypress, each spec is processed completely separately during cypress run execution. Thus each spec overwrites the previous report file. To generate unique reports per spec, use the [hash] in the mochaFile filename.

  "reporter": "junit",
  "reporterOptions": {
    "mochaFile": "results/my-test-output-[hash].xml"

This will create separate XML files in the results folder. You can then merge the output reports using a separate step using 3rd party tool. For example, for Mochawesome reporter, there is mochawesome-merge tool.

Multiple Reporters

Oftentimes we see users wanting the ability to use multiple reporters. When running in CI, you might want to generate a report for junit and perhaps a json report. This is great, but by setting this reporter you won’t receive any additional feedback while the tests are running!

The solution here is to use multiple reporters. You will have the benefit of both worlds.

We suggest using the excellent npm module:


We use multiple reporters for every single one of our internal projects.

Multiple reporters examples

These examples were implemented in https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress-example-circleci-orb.

Spec to STDOUT, save JUnit XML files

We want to output a “spec” report to STDOUT, while saving Mochawesome JSON reports and then combine them into a single report.

We need to install additional dependencies including Mocha itself.

npm install --save-dev mocha mocha-multi-reporters mocha-junit-reporter

Then add a separate reporter-config.json file that enables spec and junit reporters and directs the junit reporter to save a separate XML files.

  "reporterEnabled": "spec, mocha-junit-reporter",
  "reporterOptions": {
    "mochaFile": "cypress/results/results-[hash].xml"

The CLI command tells Cypress to use the mocha-multi-reporters module and points at the config file.

cypress run --reporter mocha-multi-reporters \
  --reporter-options configFile=reporter-config.json

Note: we recommend deleting all files from the cypress/results folder before running this command, since each run will output new XML files. For example, we can add the npm script commands below to our package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "delete:reports": "rm cypress/results/* || true",
    "prereport": "npm run delete:reports",
    "report": "cypress run"

And then call npm run report.

Spec to STDOUT, produce a combined Mochawesome JSON file

This example is shown in the branch spec-and-single-mochawesome-json in https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress-example-circleci-orb. We want to output a “spec” report to STDOUT, save an individual Mochawesome JSON file per test file, and then combine all JSON reports into a single report.

We need to install several dependencies.

npm install --save-dev mocha mochawesome mochawesome-merge mochawesome-report-generator

We need to configure the reporter in cypress.json to skip the HTML report generation and save each individual JSON file in the cypress/results folder.

  "reporter": "mochawesome",
  "reporterOptions": {
    "reportDir": "cypress/results",
    "overwrite": false,
    "html": false,
    "json": true

Our run will generate files cypress/results/mochawesome.json, cypress/results/mochawesome_001.json, .... Then we can combine them using the mochawesome-merge utility.

npx mochawesome-merge --reportDir cypress/results > mochawesome.json

We can now generate a combined HTML report from the mochawesome.json file using the https://github.com/adamgruber/mochawesome-report-generator:

npx mochawesome-report-generator mochawesome.json

It generates the beautiful standalone HTML report file mochawesome-report/mochawesome.html shown below. As you can see all test results, timing information, and even test bodies are included.

Mochawesome HTML report

For more information, see Integrating Mochawesome reporter with Cypresss

Custom Reporters

Cypress supports custom reporters, whether local to your project or installed through npm.

Local Reporters

Say you have the following directory structure:

> my-project
  > cypress
  > src
  > reporters
    - custom.js

To specify the path to your custom reporter:

// cypress.json

  "reporter": "reporters/custom.js"

The path above is relative to where your cypress.json is located.

Command line

cypress run --reporter reporters/custom.js

We also support passing an absolute path to the reporter.

npm Reporters

If you installed a custom reporter through npm, specify the package name:

// cypress.json

  "reporter": "mochawesome"

Command line:

cypress run --reporter mochawesome

You need to install any peer dependencies the reporter requires, even if they’re bundled with Cypress. For example, mochawesome requires mocha as a peer dependency. You will need to install mocha as a dev dependency of your own project for it to work.

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Licensed under the MIT License.