

After Screenshot API

After a screenshot is taken, you can get details about the screenshot via the after:screenshot plugin event. This event is called whether a screenshot is taken with cy.screenshot() or as a result of a test failure. The event is called after the screenshot image is written to disk.

This allows you to record those details or manipulate the image as needed. You can also return updated details about the image.


Using your pluginsFile you can tap into the after:screenshot event.

// cypress/plugins/index.js

const fs = require('fs')

module.exports = (on, config) => {
  on('after:screenshot', (details) => {
    // details will look something like this:
    // {
    //   size: 10248
    //   takenAt: '2018-06-27T20:17:19.537Z'
    //   duration: 4071
    //   dimensions: { width: 1000, height: 660 }
    //   multipart: false
    //   pixelRatio: 1
    //   name: 'my-screenshot'
    //   specName: 'integration/my-spec.js'
    //   testFailure: true
    //   path: '/path/to/my-screenshot.png'
    //   scaled: true
    //   blackout: []
    // }

    // example of renaming the screenshot file

    const newPath = '/new/path/to/screenshot.png'

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      fs.rename(details.path, newPath, (err) => {
        if (err) return reject(err)

        // because we renamed/moved the image, resolve with the new path
        // so it is accurate in the test results
        resolve({ path: newPath })

You can return an object or a promise that resolves an object from the callback function. Any type of value other than an object will be ignored. The object can contain the following properties:

  • path: absolute path to the image
  • size: size of the image file in bytes
  • dimensions: width and height of the image in pixels (as an object with the shape { width: 100, height: 50 })

If you change any of those properties of the image, you should include the new values in the returned object, so that the details are correctly reported in the test results. For example, if you crop the image, return the new size and dimensions of the image.

The properties will be merged into the screenshot details and passed to the onAfterScreenshot callback (if defined with Cypress.Screenshot.defaults() and/or cy.screenshot()). Any other properties besides path, size, and dimensions will be ignored.

See also

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