


Cypress.dom.method() is a collection of DOM related helper methods.

There are actually dozens of methods attached to Cypress.dom that are not documented below. These methods are used internally by Cypress in nearly every single built in command.

We suggest reading through the source code here to see all of the methods and what they do.




Is detached

Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is detached from the DOM.

cy.get('button').then(($el) => {
  Cypress.dom.isDetached($el) // false

Is focusable

Returns a boolean indicating whether an element can receive focus.

Cypress internally uses this method everywhere to figure out whether an element is hidden, mostly for actionability.

cy.get('input').then(($el) => {
  Cypress.dom.isFocusable($el) // true

Is hidden

Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is hidden.

Cypress internally uses this method everywhere to figure out whether an element is hidden, mostly for actionability.

cy.get('p').then(($el) => {
  Cypress.dom.isHidden($el) // false

Is scrollable

Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is scrollable.

Cypress internally uses this method everywhere to figure out whether an element can be scrolled, mostly for actionability.

cy.get('body').then(($el) => {
  Cypress.dom.isScrollable($el) // true

Is visible

Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is visible.

cy.get('img').then(($el) => {
  Cypress.dom.isVisible($el) // true

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