


Invoke a function on the previously yielded subject.

If you want to get a property that is not a function on the previously yielded subject, use .its().


.invoke(functionName, args...)


Correct Usage

cy.wrap({ animate: fn }).invoke('animate') // Invoke the 'animate' function
cy.get('.modal').invoke('show')          // Invoke the jQuery 'show' function

Incorrect Usage

cy.invoke('convert')                   // Errors, cannot be chained off 'cy'
cy.wrap({ name: 'Jane' }).invoke('name') // Errors, 'name' is not a function


functionName (String)

Name of function to be invoked.


Additional arguments to be given to the function call. There is no limit to the number of arguments.



Assert on a function’s return value

const fn = () => {
  return 'bar'

cy.wrap({ foo: fn }).invoke('foo').should('eq', 'bar') // true

Use .invoke() to test HTML content

Check out our example recipe where we use cy.invoke('text') to test against HTML content in ‘Bootstrapping your App’

Properties that are functions are invoked

In the example below, we use .invoke() to force a hidden div to be 'display: block' so we can interact with its children elements.

cy.get('div.container').should('be.hidden') // true

  .invoke('show') // call jquery method 'show' on the '.container'
    .should('be.visible') // true
    .find('input').type('Cypress is great')

Use .invoke('show') and .invoke('trigger')

Check out our example recipe where we use cy.invoke('show') and cy.invoke('trigger') to click an element that is only visible on hover

Function with Arguments

Send specific arguments to the function

const fn = (a, b, c) => {
  return a + b + c

  .wrap({ sum: fn })
  .invoke('sum', 2, 4, 6)
    .should('be.gt', 10) // true
    .and('be.lt', 20)    // true

Use cy.invoke('removeAttr', 'target') to get around new tab

Check out our example recipe where we use cy.invoke('removeAttr', 'target') to test clicking on a link without opening in a new tab

Arguments are automatically forwarded to the function

  .get('img').invoke('attr', 'src')
    .should('include', 'myLogo')


Third Party Plugins

Using a Kendo DropDown

If you are using jQuery then the jQuery wrapped elements will automatically have your 3rd party plugins available to be called.

cy.get('input').invoke('getKendoDropDownList').then((dropDownList) => {
  // yields the return of $input.getKendoDropDownList()
  return dropDownList.select('apples')

We can rewrite the previous example in a more terse way and add an assertion.

  .invoke('select', 'apples')
  .invoke('val').should('match', /apples/)



  • .invoke() requires being chained off a previous command.


  • .invoke() will wait for the function to exist on the subject before running.

  • .invoke() will automatically retry until assertions you've chained all pass.


  • .invoke() can time out waiting for assertions you've added to pass.

Command Log

Invoke jQuery show method on element


The commands above will display in the Command Log as:

Command Log for invoke

When clicking on invoke within the command log, the console outputs the following:

Console Log for invoke

See also

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Licensed under the MIT License.