


The image-rendering CSS property sets an image scaling algorithm. The property applies to an element itself, to any images set in its other properties, and to its descendants.

/* Keyword values */
image-rendering: auto;
image-rendering: crisp-edges;
image-rendering: pixelated;

/* Global values */
image-rendering: inherit;
image-rendering: initial;
image-rendering: unset;

The user agent will scale an image when the page author specifies dimensions other than its natural size. Scaling may also occur due to user interaction (zooming). For example, if the natural size of an image is100×100px, but its actual dimensions are 200×200px (or 50×50px), then the image will be upscaled (or downscaled) using the algorithm specified by image-rendering. This property has no effect on non-scaled images.

Note: The Canvas API can provide a fallback solution for crisp-edges through manual image data manipulation.



The scaling algorithm is UA dependent. Since version 1.9 (Firefox 3.0), Gecko uses bilinear resampling (high quality).
The image should be scaled with an algorithm that maximizes the appearance of the image. In particular, scaling algorithms that "smooth" colors are acceptable, such as bilinear interpolation. This is intended for images such as photos.
Identical to smooth, but with a preference for higher-quality scaling. If system resources are constrained, images with high-quality should be prioritized over those with any other value, when considering which images to degrade the quality of and to what degree.
The image must be scaled with an algorithm that preserves contrast and edges in the image, and which does not smooth colors or introduce blur to the image in the process. Suitable algorithms include nearest-neighbor and other non-smoothing scaling algorithms such as 2×SaI and hqx-family algorithms. This value is intended for pixel-art images, such as in browser games.
When scaling the image up, the nearest-neighbor algorithm must be used, so that the image appears to be composed of large pixels. When scaling down, this is the same as auto.
Note: The values optimizeQuality and optimizeSpeed present in an early draft (and coming from its SVG counterpart) are defined as synonyms for the auto value.

Formal syntax

auto | crisp-edges | pixelated


/* applies to GIF and PNG images; avoids blurry edges */
img[src$=".gif"], img[src$=".png"] {
  image-rendering: crisp-edges;
div {
  background: url(chessboard.gif) no-repeat 50% 50%;
  image-rendering: crisp-edges;

Live examples

image-rendering: auto;

78% squares.gif 100% squares.gif 138% squares.gif downsized hut.jpg upsized blumen.jpg

image-rendering: pixelated; (-ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor)

78% squares.gif 100% squares.gif 138% squares.gif downsized hut.jpg upsized blumen.jpg

image-rendering: crisp-edges; (-webkit-optimize-contrast)

78% squares.gif 100% squares.gif 138% squares.gif downsized hut.jpg upsized blumen.jpg


Specification Status Comment
CSS Images Module Level 3
The definition of 'image-rendering' in that specification.
Candidate Recommendation Initial definition.
Initial value auto
Applies to all elements
Inherited yes
Media visual
Computed value as specified
Animation type discrete
Canonical order the unique non-ambiguous order defined by the formal grammar

Note: Though initially similar to the SVG image-rendering attribute, the values are quite different now.

Browser compatibilityUpdate compatibility data on GitHub

Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support Yes No 3.6 No Yes Yes
crisp-edges Yes
Uses the non-standard name: -webkit-optimize-contrast
No 65
Prefixed Implemented with the vendor prefix: -moz-
No Yes
Prefixed Implemented with the vendor prefix: -o-
Uses the non-standard name: -webkit-optimize-contrast
pixelated 41 No No No 26 ?
optimizeQuality No No 3.6 No Yes Yes
optimizeSpeed No No 3.6 No Yes Yes
Android webview Chrome for Android Edge Mobile Firefox for Android Opera for Android iOS Safari Samsung Internet
Basic support 41 ? ? 4 ? ? ?
crisp-edges ? ? ? 65
Prefixed Implemented with the vendor prefix: -moz-
? ? No
pixelated ? 41 No No 28 ? 4.0
optimizeQuality ? ? ? 4 ? ? No
optimizeSpeed ? ? ? 4 ? ? No

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