Does the selector mask or hide a name? import x.{y => _}
Does the selector introduce a specific name by rename? x.{y => z}
Does the selector introduce a specific name? import a.b, x.{y => z}
Is the selector a wildcard import that introduces all available names? import x._
The imported name.
Offset of the position of the importing part of the selector in the source file. Is equal to -1 is the position is unknown.
The name the import is renamed to. Is equal to name
if it's not a renaming import.
Offset of the position of the renaming part of the selector in the source file. Is equal to -1 is the position is unknown.
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.$ImportSelector.html
Import selector (not a tree, but a component of the
tree)Representation of an imported name its optional rename and their optional positions
Eliminated by typecheck.