The module symbol of the default (unnamed) package
The module class symbol of the default (unnamed) package
The class symbol of the _root_
The module symbol of the _root_
A reflective mirror for the given object.
Such a mirror can be used to further reflect against the members of the object to get/set fields, invoke methods and inspect inner classes and objects.
Reflects against a static class symbol and returns a mirror that can be used to create instances of the class, inspect its companion object or perform further reflections.
To get a class symbol by the name of the class you would like to reflect, use <this mirror>.classSymbol(<runtime class loaded by its name>)
The input symbol can be either private or non-private (Scala reflection transparently deals with visibility). It must be static, i.e. either top-level or nested within one or several static objects.
Reflects against a static module symbol and returns a mirror that can be used to get the instance of the object or inspect its companion class.
To get a module symbol by the name of its companion class you would like to reflect, use <this mirror>.classSymbol(<runtime class loaded by its name>).companion.get
The input symbol can be either private or non-private (Scala reflection transparently deals with visibility). It must be static, i.e. either top-level or nested within one or several static objects.
The symbol corresponding to the globally accessible class with the given fully qualified name fullName
If the name points to a type alias, it's recursively dealiased and its target is returned. If you need a symbol that corresponds to the type alias itself, load it directly from the package class:
scala> cm.staticClass("scala.List") res0: scala.reflect.runtime.universe.ClassSymbol = class List
scala> res0.fullName res1: String = scala.collection.immutable.List
scala> cm.staticPackage("scala") res2: scala.reflect.runtime.universe.ModuleSymbol = package scala
scala> member TypeName("List") res3: scala.reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol = type List
scala> res3.fullName res4: String = scala.List
To be consistent with Scala name resolution rules, in case of ambiguity between a package and an object, the object is never been considered.
For example for the following code:
package foo { class B }
object foo { class A class B }
staticClass("foo.B") will resolve to the symbol corresponding to the class B declared in the package foo, and staticClass("foo.A") will throw a ScalaReflectionException.
In the example above, to load a symbol that corresponds to the class B declared in the object foo, use staticModule("foo") to load the module symbol and then navigate info.members of its moduleClass.
The symbol corresponding to the globally accessible object with the given fully qualified name fullName
To be consistent with Scala name resolution rules, in case of ambiguity between a package and an object, the object is never been considered.
For example for the following code:
package foo { object B }
object foo { object A object B }
staticModule("foo.B") will resolve to the symbol corresponding to the object B declared in the package foo, and staticModule("foo.A") will throw a ScalaReflectionException
In the example above, to load a symbol that corresponds to the object B declared in the object foo, use staticModule("foo") to load the module symbol and then navigate info.members of its moduleClass.
The symbol corresponding to a package with the given fully qualified name fullName
Type symbol of x
as derived from a type tag.
The universe this mirror belongs to.
Shortcut for implicitly[TypeTag[T]].tpe
Shortcut for implicitly[WeakTypeTag[T]].tpe
© 2002-2019 EPFL, with contributions from Lightbend.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.$ReflectiveMirror.html
A mirror that reflects instances and static classes. See the overview page for details on how to use runtime reflection.