Provides functions for generating formatted strings.
primitive val Format
new val create() : Format val^
fun box apply( str: String val, fmt: FormatDefault val = reference, prefix: PrefixDefault val = reference, prec: USize val = call, width: USize val = 0, align: (AlignLeft val | AlignRight val | AlignCenter val) = reference, fill: U32 val = 32) : String iso^
fun box int[A: ((I8 val | I16 val | I32 val | I64 val | I128 val | ILong val | ISize val | U8 val | U16 val | U32 val | U64 val | U128 val | ULong val | USize val) & Integer[A])]( x: A, fmt: (FormatDefault val | FormatUTF32 val | FormatBinary val | FormatBinaryBare val | FormatOctal val | FormatOctalBare val | FormatHex val | FormatHexBare val | FormatHexSmall val | FormatHexSmallBare val) = reference, prefix: (PrefixDefault val | PrefixSpace val | PrefixSign val) = reference, prec: USize val = call, width: USize val = 0, align: (AlignLeft val | AlignRight val | AlignCenter val) = reference, fill: U32 val = 32) : String iso^
fun box float[A: ((F32 val | F64 val) & FloatingPoint[A])]( x: A, fmt: (FormatDefault val | FormatExp val | FormatExpLarge val | FormatFix val | FormatFixLarge val | FormatGeneral val | FormatGeneralLarge val) = reference, prefix: (PrefixDefault val | PrefixSpace val | PrefixSign val) = reference, prec: USize val = 6, width: USize val = 0, align: (AlignLeft val | AlignRight val | AlignCenter val) = reference, fill: U32 val = 32) : String iso^
fun box eq( that: Format val) : Bool val
fun box ne( that: Format val) : Bool val
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