Phalcon\Image\AdapterInterface initializer
Resize the image to the given size. Either the width or the height can be omitted and the image will be resized proportionally.
Crop an image to the given size. Either the width or the height can be omitted and the current width or height will be used.
Rotate the image by a given amount.
Flip the image along the horizontal or vertical axis.
Sharpen the image by a given amount.
Add a reflection to an image. The most opaque part of the reflection will be equal to the opacity setting and fade out to full transparent. Alpha transparency is preserved.
Add a watermark to an image with a specified opacity. Alpha transparency will be preserved.
Set the background color of an image. This is only useful for images with alpha transparency.
Save the image. If the filename is omitted, the original image will be overwritten.
Render the image and return the binary string.
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