
/OpenJDK 8

Interface ResourceBundleControlProvider

public interface ResourceBundleControlProvider

An interface for service providers that provide implementations of ResourceBundle.Control. The default resource bundle loading behavior of the ResourceBundle.getBundle factory methods that take no ResourceBundle.Control instance can be modified with ResourceBundleControlProvider implementations.

Provider implementations must be packaged using the Java Extension Mechanism as installed extensions. Refer to ServiceLoader for the extension packaging. Any installed ResourceBundleControlProvider implementations are loaded using ServiceLoader at the ResourceBundle class loading time.

See Also:
ResourceBundle.getBundle, ServiceLoader.loadInstalled(Class)



ResourceBundle.Control getControl(String baseName)

Returns a ResourceBundle.Control instance that is used to handle resource bundle loading for the given baseName. This method must return null if the given baseName isn't handled by this provider.

baseName - the base name of the resource bundle
a ResourceBundle.Control instance, or null if the given baseName is not applicable to this provider.
NullPointerException - if baseName is null

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