operator fun <T> Array<T>.plus(element: T): Array<T>
operator fun <T> Array<out T>.plus(element: T): Array<T>
operator fun ByteArray.plus(element: Byte): ByteArray
operator fun ShortArray.plus(element: Short): ShortArray
operator fun IntArray.plus(element: Int): IntArray
operator fun LongArray.plus(element: Long): LongArray
operator fun FloatArray.plus(element: Float): FloatArray
operator fun DoubleArray.plus(element: Double): DoubleArray
operator fun BooleanArray.plus( element: Boolean ): BooleanArray
operator fun CharArray.plus(element: Char): CharArray
Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given element.
operator fun <T> Array<T>.plus( elements: Collection<T> ): Array<T>
operator fun <T> Array<out T>.plus( elements: Collection<T> ): Array<T>
operator fun ByteArray.plus( elements: Collection<Byte> ): ByteArray
operator fun ShortArray.plus( elements: Collection<Short> ): ShortArray
operator fun IntArray.plus( elements: Collection<Int> ): IntArray
operator fun LongArray.plus( elements: Collection<Long> ): LongArray
operator fun FloatArray.plus( elements: Collection<Float> ): FloatArray
operator fun DoubleArray.plus( elements: Collection<Double> ): DoubleArray
operator fun BooleanArray.plus( elements: Collection<Boolean> ): BooleanArray
operator fun CharArray.plus( elements: Collection<Char> ): CharArray
Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given elements collection.
operator fun <T> Array<T>.plus( elements: Array<out T> ): Array<T>
operator fun <T> Array<out T>.plus( elements: Array<out T> ): Array<T>
operator fun ByteArray.plus(elements: ByteArray): ByteArray
operator fun ShortArray.plus( elements: ShortArray ): ShortArray
operator fun IntArray.plus(elements: IntArray): IntArray
operator fun LongArray.plus(elements: LongArray): LongArray
operator fun FloatArray.plus( elements: FloatArray ): FloatArray
operator fun DoubleArray.plus( elements: DoubleArray ): DoubleArray
operator fun BooleanArray.plus( elements: BooleanArray ): BooleanArray
operator fun CharArray.plus(elements: CharArray): CharArray
Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given elements array.
operator fun <T> Iterable<T>.plus(element: T): List<T>
operator fun <T> Collection<T>.plus(element: T): List<T>
Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then the given element.
operator fun <T> Iterable<T>.plus( elements: Array<out T> ): List<T>
operator fun <T> Collection<T>.plus( elements: Array<out T> ): List<T>
Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then all elements of the given elements array.
operator fun <T> Iterable<T>.plus( elements: Iterable<T> ): List<T>
operator fun <T> Collection<T>.plus( elements: Iterable<T> ): List<T>
Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then all elements of the given elements collection.
operator fun <T> Iterable<T>.plus( elements: Sequence<T> ): List<T>
operator fun <T> Collection<T>.plus( elements: Sequence<T> ): List<T>
Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then all elements of the given elements sequence.
operator fun <T> Set<T>.plus(element: T): Set<T>
Returns a set containing all elements of the original set and then the given element if it isn't already in this set.
The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original set.
operator fun <T> Set<T>.plus(elements: Array<out T>): Set<T>
Returns a set containing all elements of the original set and the given elements array, which aren't already in this set.
The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original set.
operator fun <T> Set<T>.plus(elements: Iterable<T>): Set<T>
Returns a set containing all elements of the original set and the given elements collection, which aren't already in this set. The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original set.
operator fun <T> Set<T>.plus(elements: Sequence<T>): Set<T>
Returns a set containing all elements of the original set and the given elements sequence, which aren't already in this set.
The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original set.
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes operator fun UIntArray.plus( element: UInt ): UIntArray
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes operator fun ULongArray.plus( element: ULong ): ULongArray
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes operator fun UByteArray.plus( element: UByte ): UByteArray
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes operator fun UShortArray.plus( element: UShort ): UShortArray
Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given element.
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes operator fun UIntArray.plus( elements: Collection<UInt> ): UIntArray
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes operator fun ULongArray.plus( elements: Collection<ULong> ): ULongArray
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes operator fun UByteArray.plus( elements: Collection<UByte> ): UByteArray
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes operator fun UShortArray.plus( elements: Collection<UShort> ): UShortArray
Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given elements collection.
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes operator fun UIntArray.plus( elements: UIntArray ): UIntArray
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes operator fun ULongArray.plus( elements: ULongArray ): ULongArray
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes operator fun UByteArray.plus( elements: UByteArray ): UByteArray
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes operator fun UShortArray.plus( elements: UShortArray ): UShortArray
Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given elements array.
operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.plus( pair: Pair<K, V> ): Map<K, V>
operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.plus( pairs: Iterable<Pair<K, V>> ): Map<K, V>
operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.plus( pairs: Array<out Pair<K, V>> ): Map<K, V>
operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.plus( pairs: Sequence<Pair<K, V>> ): Map<K, V>
operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.plus( map: Map<out K, V> ): Map<K, V>
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