


Platform and version requirements: Native (1.3)
fun <T> Array<T>.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): Array<T>
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.0)
@JvmName("copyOfRangeInline") fun <T> Array<T>.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): Array<T>
Platform and version requirements: JS (1.1)
fun <T> Array<out T>.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): Array<T>
Platform and version requirements: JS (1.1), Native (1.3)
fun ByteArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): ByteArray
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.0)
@JvmName("copyOfRangeInline") fun ByteArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): ByteArray
Platform and version requirements: JS (1.1), Native (1.3)
fun ShortArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): ShortArray
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.0)
@JvmName("copyOfRangeInline") fun ShortArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): ShortArray
Platform and version requirements: JS (1.1), Native (1.3)
fun IntArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): IntArray
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.0)
@JvmName("copyOfRangeInline") fun IntArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): IntArray
Platform and version requirements: JS (1.1), Native (1.3)
fun LongArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): LongArray
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.0)
@JvmName("copyOfRangeInline") fun LongArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): LongArray
Platform and version requirements: JS (1.1), Native (1.3)
fun FloatArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): FloatArray
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.0)
@JvmName("copyOfRangeInline") fun FloatArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): FloatArray
Platform and version requirements: JS (1.1), Native (1.3)
fun DoubleArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): DoubleArray
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.0)
@JvmName("copyOfRangeInline") fun DoubleArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): DoubleArray
Platform and version requirements: JS (1.1), Native (1.3)
fun BooleanArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): BooleanArray
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.0)
@JvmName("copyOfRangeInline") fun BooleanArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): BooleanArray
Platform and version requirements: JS (1.1), Native (1.3)
fun CharArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): CharArray
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.0)
@JvmName("copyOfRangeInline") fun CharArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): CharArray

Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.


fromIndex - the start of the range (inclusive), must be in 0..array.size

toIndex - the end of the range (exclusive), must be in fromIndex..array.size

Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.3), JS (1.3), Native (1.3)
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes fun UIntArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): UIntArray
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes fun ULongArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): ULongArray
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes fun UByteArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): UByteArray
@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes fun UShortArray.copyOfRange(
    fromIndex: Int, 
    toIndex: Int
): UShortArray

Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.


fromIndex - the start of the range (inclusive), must be in 0..array.size

toIndex - the end of the range (exclusive), must be in fromIndex..array.size

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