

Method definitions

Starting with ECMAScript 2015, a shorter syntax for method definitions on objects initializers is introduced. It is a shorthand for a function assigned to the method's name.


var obj = {
  property( parameters… ) {},
  *generator( parameters… ) {},
  async property( parameters… ) {},
  async* generator( parameters… ) {},

  // with computed keys:
  [property]( parameters… ) {},
  *[generator]( parameters… ) {},
  async [property]( parameters… ) {},

  // compare getter/setter syntax:
  get property() {},
  set property(value) {}


The shorthand syntax is similar to the getter and setter syntax introduced in ECMAScript 2015.

Given the following code:

var obj = {
  foo: function() {
    /* code */
  bar: function() {
    /* code */

You are now able to shorten this to:

var obj = {
  foo() {
    /* code */
  bar() {
    /* code */

Generator methods

Generator methods can be defined using the shorthand syntax as well. When using them,

  • the asterisk (*) in the shorthand syntax must be before the generator property name. That is, * g(){} will work but g *(){} will not;
  • non-generator method definitions may not contain the yield keyword. This means that legacy generator functions won't work either and will throw a SyntaxError. Always use yield in conjunction with the asterisk (*).

// Using a named property
var obj2 = {
  g: function* () {
    var index = 0;
    while (true)
      yield index++;

// The same object using shorthand syntax
var obj2 = { 
  * g() {
    var index = 0;
    while (true)
      yield index++;

var it = obj2.g();
console.log(it.next().value); // 0
console.log(it.next().value); // 1

Async methods

Async methods can also be defined using the shorthand syntax.

// Using a named property
var obj3 = {
  f: async function () {
    await some_promise;

// The same object using shorthand syntax
var obj3 = { 
  async f() {
    await some_promise;

Async generator methods

Generator methods can also be async.

var obj4 = {
  f: async function* () {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    yield 3;

// The same object using shorthand syntax
var obj4 = {
  async* f() {
   yield 1;
   yield 2;
   yield 3;

Method definitions are not constructable

All method definitions are not constructors and will throw a TypeError if you try to instantiate them.

var obj = { 
  method() {}
new obj.method; // TypeError: obj.method is not a constructor

var obj = { 
  * g() {} 
new obj.g; // TypeError: obj.g is not a constructor (changed in ES2016)


Simple test case

var obj = {
  a: 'foo',
  b() { return this.a; }
console.log(obj.b()); // "foo"

Computed property names

The shorthand syntax also supports computed property names.

var bar = {
  foo0: function() { return 0; },
  foo1() { return 1; },
  ['foo' + 2]() { return 2; }

console.log(bar.foo0()); // 0
console.log(bar.foo1()); // 1
console.log(bar.foo2()); // 2


Browser compatibilityUpdate compatibility data on GitHub

Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 39 Yes 34 No 26 No
Generator methods are not constructable (ES2016) ? ? 43 No ? ?
Async methods ? ? 52 No ? ?
Async generator methods ? ? 55 No ? ?
Android webview Chrome for Android Edge Mobile Firefox for Android Opera for Android iOS Safari Samsung Internet
Basic support 39 39 Yes 34 26 No 4.0
Generator methods are not constructable (ES2016) ? ? ? 43 ? ? ?
Async methods ? ? ? 52 ? ? ?
Async generator methods ? ? ? 55 ? ? ?
Basic support Yes
Generator methods are not constructable (ES2016) ?
Async methods 7.6.0
Disabled From version 7.0.0: this feature is behind the --harmony runtime flag.
Async generator methods 10.0.0
Disabled From version 8.10.0: this feature is behind the --harmony runtime flag.

See also

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