


The CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage() method of the Canvas 2D API provides different ways to draw an image onto the canvas.


void ctx.drawImage(image, dx, dy);
void ctx.drawImage(image, dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight);
void ctx.drawImage(image, sx, sy, sWidth, sHeight, dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight);



An element to draw into the context. The specification permits any canvas image source (CanvasImageSource), specifically, a CSSImageValue, an HTMLImageElement, an SVGImageElement, an HTMLVideoElement, an HTMLCanvasElement, an ImageBitmap, or an OffscreenCanvas.
sx Optional
The x-axis coordinate of the top left corner of the sub-rectangle of the source image to draw into the destination context.
sy Optional
The y-axis coordinate of the top left corner of the sub-rectangle of the source image to draw into the destination context.
sWidth Optional
The width of the sub-rectangle of the source image to draw into the destination context. If not specified, the entire rectangle from the coordinates specified by sx and sy to the bottom-right corner of the image is used.
sHeight Optional
The height of the sub-rectangle of the source image to draw into the destination context.
The x-axis coordinate in the destination canvas at which to place the top-left corner of the source image.
The y-axis coordinate in the destination canvas at which to place the top-left corner of the source image.
dWidth Optional
The width to draw the image in the destination canvas. This allows scaling of the drawn image. If not specified, the image is not scaled in width when drawn.
dHeight Optional
The height to draw the image in the destination canvas. This allows scaling of the drawn image. If not specified, the image is not scaled in height when drawn.

Exceptions thrown

If the canvas or source rectangle width or height is zero.
The image has no image data.
The specified source element isn't supported.
The image is not loaded yet. Use .complete === true and .onload to determine when it is ready.


Drawing an image to the canvas

This example draws an image to the canvas using the drawImage() method.


<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<div style="display:none;">
  <img id="source"
       width="300" height="227">


The source image is taken from the coordinates (33, 71), with a width of 104 and a height of 124. It is drawn to the canvas at (21, 20), where it is given a width of 87 and a height of 104.

const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const image = document.getElementById('source');

ctx.drawImage(image, 33, 71, 104, 124, 21, 20, 87, 104);


Understanding source element size

The drawImage() method uses the source element's intrinsic size in CSS pixels when drawing.

For example, if you load an Image and specify the optional size parameters in its constructor, you will have to use the naturalWidth and naturalHeight properties of the created instance to properly calculate things like crop and scale regions, rather than element.width and element.height. The same goes for videoWidth and videoHeight if the element is a <video> element, and so on.


<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>


const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

const image = new Image(60, 45); // Using optional size for image
image.onload = drawImageActualSize; // Draw when image has loaded

// Load an image of intrinsic size 300x227 in CSS pixels
image.src = 'https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/5397/rhino.jpg';

function drawImageActualSize() {
  // Use the intrinsic size of image in CSS pixels for the canvas element
  canvas.width = this.naturalWidth;
  canvas.height = this.naturalHeight;

  // Will draw the image as 300x227, ignoring the custom size of 60x45
  // given in the constructor
  ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0);

  // To use the custom size we'll have to specify the scale parameters 
  // using the element's width and height properties - lets draw one 
  // on top in the corner:
  ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0, this.width, this.height);



Browser compatibilityUpdate compatibility data on GitHub

Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support Yes 12 Yes Yes Yes Yes
ImageBitmap as source image Yes No 42 ? ? ?
SVGImageElement as source image 59 ? 56 ? ? ?
Smoothing when downscaling Yes ? 56
See bug 1360415 for details.
? Yes ?
Android webview Chrome for Android Edge Mobile Firefox for Android Opera for Android iOS Safari Samsung Internet
Basic support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ImageBitmap as source image Yes Yes No 42 ? ? Yes
SVGImageElement as source image 59 59 ? 56 ? ? 7.0
Smoothing when downscaling Yes Yes ? 56
See bug 1360415 for details.
Yes ? Yes

Gecko-specific notes

  • Support for flipping the image by using negative values for sw and sh was added in Gecko 5.0 (Firefox 5.0 / Thunderbird 5.0 / SeaMonkey 2.2).
  • Starting with (Firefox 5.0 / Thunderbird 5.0 / SeaMonkey 2.2), drawImage() handles negative arguments in accordance with the specification, by flipping the rectangle around the appropriate axis.
  • Specifying a null or undefined image when calling or drawImage() correctly throws a TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR exception starting with (Firefox 5.0 / Thunderbird 5.0 / SeaMonkey 2.2).
  • Prior to Gecko 7.0 (Firefox 7.0 / Thunderbird 7.0 / SeaMonkey 2.4), Firefox threw an exception if any of the coordinate values was non-finite or zero. As per the specification, this no longer happens.
  • Gecko 9.0 (Firefox 9.0 / Thunderbird 9.0 / SeaMonkey 2.6) now correctly supports CORS for drawing images across domains without tainting the canvas.
  • Gecko 11.0 (Firefox 11.0 / Thunderbird 11.0 / SeaMonkey 2.8) now allows SVG-as-an-image to be drawn into a canvas without tainting the canvas.


  • drawImage() only works correctly on an HTMLVideoElement when its HTMLMediaElement.readyStateis greater than 1 (i.e., seek event fired after setting the currentTime property).
  • drawImage() will always use the source element's intrinsic size in CSS pixels when drawing, cropping, and/or scaling.
  • drawImage() will ignore all EXIF metadata in images, including the Orientation. This behavior is especially troublesome on iOS devices. You should detect the Orientation yourself and use rotate() to make it right.

See also

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